Curiously, it does not seem to be musicians have been the ones who dreamed up the thought of an electrified instrument. Quite, it was the legions of beginner tinkerers who started taking apart products like the telephone, radio, and phonograph and seeing what they may do. A couple of of the makes use of they imagined now appear bizarre. A 1919 journal advert supplied a tool for amplifying sounds, which, it talked about, might be used to amplify a violin—or to spy on individuals. Another journal from 1922 touted an newbie-constructed “radio violin” : mainly a keep on with a string and a telephone pickup linked to an amp and a metal horn. “Weak tones might be amplified by a radio loudspeaker,” the caption explained. Later that decade, plenty of proto-rock-‘n’-rollers discovered that by shoving a phonograph needle into the top of their acoustic guitar, they could get sound to … Read the rest